Saturday, February 12, 2005

Surgery's over!!!

Thank you to everybody who prayed for me! The surgery went great!
1st day back- I couldn't feel my leg, half of my right hand, and slept 3/4 of the day
Day Two- leg elevated most of the day, mom typed Friday's homework assignment and dad helped write! Slept 1/2 day
Day Three- hobble around without crutches, got out of house and went out to eat, can write and type with my right hand!
I go back to school Monday and start rehab...I should be able to walk at longest within a month but no strenuous activity for 4-6 months. So right now i have an excuse for sleeping, reading, and watching a lot of movies! Ahhh... the hard life! God has been good to me and there has been very little pain so far although i am sure more is to come...


Anonymous said...

Hey brent,
i'm glad your surgery is over. what have you been doing lately? I haven't seen you at church or anything so i just wondered what you were up to. Keep us posted!

About Brandon said...

Hey Brent,
We're praying for you every day! With someone as fun and active as you, we know it's hard to have to sit around, but stay encouraged. You'll be up and around before you know it!
-Brandon & Jennifer

Lynne Howard said...

Ok Brentsy, it's about that time again...time to UPDATE the blog bro! :) Hope you are still having a fun, full, exciting, "bloggable" life! You are in my prayers. In Christ, Anne

Lynne Howard said...

Ok Brentsy, it's about that time again...time to UPDATE the blog bro! :) Hope you are still having a fun, full, exciting, "bloggable" life! You are in my prayers. In Christ, Anne

Lynne Howard said...

sorry to do that one twice, I messed up on my is acting strange! haa - AP