Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Prayer Protection

There have been times that i have prayed in a circle or walked around an area and it almost feels as though God is marking out his territory. Tonight this happened. I was able to walk around the property i am staying on and mark off this area for the kingdom and to begin to extract any evil strongholds that exist in the place they should not!
At first it felt as though i was lifting up the family, my future, and New Zealand on my own. I soon received a picture though...
A picture that there were people like Me. Pillars, if you would allow, that are or i can see in the future praying over new Zealand and starting to put a hedge of protection around New Zealand so that it is a place where evil authorities and power is extracted and God's presences is at work!
I saw people praying all over. I am not sure if that meant that is happening or whether t was something like a See You At the Pole for churches and New Zealand. I thought it would be amazing to know that the churches had gathered to pray for the redemption of New Zealand and victory in his name over deception, false ideas, and habits that have formed in our lives that are contrary to his word. Just random thoughts...

The prayer time was so good and refreshing

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