Saturday, January 05, 2008

Read Proverbs With Me!

I was talking to Adam last night on the phone
We were talking about reading the Bible and I had an epiphany!

I am going to read the coinciding Proverbs for each day from now on
ex. January 5= Proverbs 5

Here is the way i see it:
  1. Anyone Can Do it. I have always longed for for friends to have a way to consistently learn with me.
  2. I love Proverbs.
  3. There is no "catchup reading." This is an easy reading plan that is not focused on accomplishing... if you miss a day, you'll catch that chapter next month, if you want to read it go ahead!

Proverbs 5:21 For a man's ways are in full view of the LORD,
and he examines all his paths.


Kelly Benware said...

Good idea bro.

Unknown said...

Brent: What is this language your blog is in!?!?! We were talking about you tonight, random thoughts of course. Please give our greetings to your family! Love, the Alesis

B said...

My blog is in English... is it showing up weird on your page? and Who are you Alesis