Friday, December 22, 2006


This is what i have felt as of late.

I was just reminiscing over leaving San Diego while finishing Christmas shopping and spending some quality time with my parents.

This is when we were the only ones in the theater for awhile at a showing of Happy Feet.

I was prayed over by multiple people and i have felt so blessed and commissioned to go!

As i was leaving Canyon Hills where i served as the Jr. High youth pastor, i was able to have the new jr. high pastor and his wife, some of the volunteers and dave mason my supervisor lay hands on me and pray for me at during a night gathering.

I had a time where my friend corey from APU who traveled to Australia for a year and his friend dave laid hands on me and prayed for me and this trip.

At the end of one of my Azusa Pacific Classes, the whole class of future (if not already active)ministers gathered around me, laid hands on me, and prayed for me! I can't express the peace and sending out i felt at that moment.

My friends were so good to me at Indiana Wesleyan when i visited and
my family is always so loving and supportive.

This is not being said to brag or make anyone else feel like they don't have support, but be encouraged to know that God knows, blesses, and takes cares of your needs when you openly leave them in his hands! thats all for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brent, just wanted to let you know I've found your blog and will be keeping up with you while you're in New Zealand. I know it will be an amazing experience and I am praying for you right now for your safety, for the time you will have, for the people you will meet, and for you to be open and ready for what God brings for you. Love, Kim