Thursday, March 08, 2007

This Weekend!

I have Fusion(the youth Friday night service) Tonight and a chance to speak at the men's breakfast tomorrow morning. Cool opportunities. I am just constantly on the move planning, journaling, working or at a youth event. I have been good about protecting my time with the Lord pretty consistently because i need the strength and rest in Him. I served last night at the restaurant and it was fun and still a great opportunity, but in comparison to getting paid more to teach kids how to kayak and snorkel the past three days at Goat island just with a team of peers around my age just doesn't seem compare. The job is crazy cool and i am planning on going into more detail, but once again that will be at a later time. Thanks for caring enough to check my blog and keep up with me. even that is cool

Random Fun Opportunity: Dan and i just signed up for a company that finds commercials, extras and movies, extras in tv shows, etc. The family we stay with has done different advertisements and dan and i might be in some New Zealand if not American promos as extras! I'll keep you updated!

I am going to get my computer worked on so it may be a few days before my next post.

1 comment:

The Chinlund Family said...

I love reading about all your adventures Brent, thanks for keeping us posted! New Zealand is blessed to have you :)