Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Times are Changing!

If any of you who reads this wants a monthly newsletter about what is going on, please email me at from the address you want me to add saying, "add me to your newsletter."So things have changed for me rather quickly. I was planning on staying in Plymouth and working and raising support from home while staying with the parents but a new opportunity has arisen. I will be heading up to Spring Lake Wesleyan Church to help out with the youth for the fall with Dan Ward, Julie Collins, and Josh Carroll. I will continue to raise support there with a vision of returning to New Zealand in January! Craziness, but i might actually have a somewhat consistent life here for the next three months... i am not sure i even know what that looks like anymore!!!
To see a Map Click Here
Springlake is at the top right above Grand Haven
40 minutes above Holland where my bro-in-law Brandon bruce's family lives
4 hours above Plymouth at he bottom of the map

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