God be with me, direct me, help me to be led by your spirit, help me to be bold when needed, help me to understand the gospel, help me to be a fighter for you, help me to be a care-r for you, Please bring the right people to support me and your ministry so that I do not give a poor testimony of you in the areas I fall short and help me to be constant in my praise of you and you working through others. Give me the zeal of Spurgeon, the fight of David, the boldness of Paul, the wisdom and heart of Jesus, and the dedication of Wesley to be a man sold out for you.
Please relinquish my fears and hold ups, please bring understanding and trust to relinquish my desires that are sinful about girls, dancing, jealousy, or whatever needs to be addressed. I need you and your help. Please give me a better vision of what you see among this world and people, I have walked around unaware and inattentive long enough. Please show me how people need help, how Christians can make a difference through your power, what is of you and what is not, what stances need to be made, when I am people pleasing and not following you, when I am just pleasing my self and my own ego and not truly caring for others, when I am blind to my own faults, when I can be confidently right in my doings, humble enough to accept criticism and to leave it their with you at the cross. The world is looking for perfect heroes they cannot find, but I desire to be a humble hero who they can count on instead of expecting perfection.
Be my sword, my strength, my shelter, my guide, my comfort, my purpose, my dreams, my excitement, my joy, my hope, my love, my sacrifice, my life, my everything, my riches, my treasure, my security, my desire, my beauty, my sense of accomplishment, my self-worth, who I boast in, my example and model, my food and dependency, my ultimate sense of authority, my consistency, my trust, my heart, my source, my final destination, my explanation, my reason for living, my help in the hopeless moments, my vision where the world can’t see, my mediator where I cannot change hearts, my power where I cannot change the physical, my wisdom when I don’t have the rationale to explain, my words when I don’t have the ability to speak, my authority when I doubt or fear what needs to be said, my master when I fear to acknowledge you, my motivation in how I spend my time, my Savior when I feel useless, my redeemer when I am mess things up, my Spirit when I desire things that are harmful, my courage when I am hiding from something, my father when I need someone to put me in my place, my shepherd when I need someone’s voice to follow, my warrior in the battles I can’t seem to win, my strength when I fail trying to do it on my own, my peacemaker, my presence when I need to feel your touch, my provider when fears and worries begin to make me question my security in you, my changer where I have become complacent, my hero where I need someone to imitate, my air when life doesn’t seem worth living for, my forgiveness when I feel unworthy, my humility when I think I am too worthy, my entertainment when I become restless in this world,
my reason for being, my reward I run for, my love for people, my level for truth, my living God, my Heavenly Father, my Savior, my Lord, my Teacher, my Prophet, my Apostle, my Truth, my Love, my Hope, my Creator, my Purpose, my Provider, my Security, my Strength, my Hero, my Friend, my Beauty, my Grunt, my Spirit, my Presence, my Being, my Selflessness, my Sacrifice, my Forgiveness. I love you.