I used Reese's Peanut Butter Cups for my sermon illustration this last Sunday and left one pack on every table. It was my way of giving the Kiwi's a cultural taste of American candy. The only problem was i had a different reaction than expected. About half loved it, and half disliked it! For Being one of the most sold candy's during American holidays, i expected more of an addictive response than different people explaining it as having almost a salty taste or too much peanut butter or that our chocolate is just a little more potent/bitter. Oh well...
...the way i see it, that leaves more of the still limited supply of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in New Zealand for me!
They do have a bit of a salty taste, but that's one reason they're so good, ya get the sweet and salty at the same time:) I think there are still a few of us willing to search for this scrumptious chocolate over here in NZ.
They are not that hard to come by, but for m I prefer Fast Break....
you know what boggles my mind?you can find them at fruit and veg shops and the mad butcher...what's that about?
First off, I'm sorry to hear you died. However, the Reese's perk is not a bad thing if you live to enjoy more! Keep telling the Kiwi's they're not good.
Did you honestly expect them to be loved by everyone? That seems like a quaint bit of cultural imperialism: try understanding that other people have different tastes and expectations before "knowing" that they will love your delicacies as much as you do.
As for me: I tried them once, and never again! Fatty, slimy consistency with poor quality chocolate, they really are just "bite sized diabetes". I have no idea what New Zealanders like to snack on, but they should give this import a miss.
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