Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Complete Contentment

Those are the only words to describe Monday!

First off the Colts Won!!! Colts Won!!! Sorry Stevo for the bears, but go Colts!

So here is the recap of my day.
I woke up and read the word and prayed in bed for awhile Great way to start the day.

As Dan and I were heading out, we opened the front door to find a great surprise. A care package from my mom and dad with a card in it that read "Because I love You" sat right in front of me. It had Betty Crocker cookies, brownies, twizzlers, chocolate, a clothes hamper, necklace, surf stuff, presents for our amazing host family, etc. I was so stoked... it made my day! Thanks mom and dad!

Next Dan and I went grocery shopping for our first time. It was fun.

I was able to go for a 5k run too. This was the first day out of weeks of running where i found the zone. No sore muscles, not breathing hard, but cruising at 3/4 speed with everything around me faded out. Sheer Bliss.

Dan and I made our own Jerseys thanks to blue shirts turned inside out and masking tape.
Dan and i got back and prepared for our Super Bowl Party we threw! Since it showed at 6pm Sunday it showed Monday at noon. Dan and i taped it and threw a party with kickoff at 7:30pm so our Kiwi and working friends could enjoy with us. We made sure that NO ONE told us the outcome before that night.
We Had 13 guests! I didn't know we had that many friends in NZ! The Fussners, annie wright, friends from south auckland, and friends from Shoregrace all came! It was just a great party that was pure enjoyment and zero worry. Everyone brought too much food which also makes a great SuperBowl Party... Best of all... THE COLTS WON!!! THE COLTS WON!!! WOO!!! WOOO!!!

After clean up i was able to go sit under the stars, with the perfect temperature outside late in the middle of the night. I listened, felt, watched, thought and prayed as i stared at a tree blowing in the wind with the stars and dark clouds moving in the back ground. I was too awake to sleep and too tired to think to hard. I just sat in pure contenment as i marveled at God's beauty and how in sync everything was.

God is Good! I was able to get my God time, exercise time, tasky time, spontaneous time, people time, and processing/thinking time all in one day. These are all aspects i have recognized as profitable and beneficiary daily needs to live fully in who i am.
I got so many of my needs/goals/desires met in one day. Beautiful!

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