"Celebration is at the core of our kingdom, and hopefully that celebration will make its way into the darkest corners of the world-- the ghettos and refugee camps, and the palaces and prisons. May the whisper of hope reach the ears of hope-hungry people in the shadows of our world." Irresistible Revolution by Shaine Claiborne
Today was liberating
This quote above describes it well. I had an amazing time of worship this morning. i then had the chance to pray and sing as i walked home from work. During that time i felt God's assurance that he was working and ready to do some exciting in New Zealand things as i sang Shane & Shane's "Ask and i'll give the nations to you." I prayed for revolution and freedom in New Zealand in a way i hadn't prayed for New Zealand yet. As i walked down the sidewalk i found myself singing, beat boxing, and spontaneously dancing. Good times.
In the midst of all this hope, though, i saw hurting people. I watch people walk into the bar often just to find someone to talk to and to forget about their lives. I am excited to be able to talk to people like this. Also, ss i was walking down a main club street, i walked by a girl sobbing with two friends consoling her. She had obviously messed up or been hurt by someone that night. My heart went out to her. i am in this beautiful place of communion with God as i walk down the road and i am watching a hurting world that i want to help, pray, and look forward to loving with the love of Christ. But where do you start? I feel like this is very unknown so far, yet i feel like he is preparing me for some crazy things through work and my calling so far(see post tomorrow). Since we share the car, below was my spot where i just sat, read, and prayed for 2 hours while i waited for Dan to get off of work. I hope you can hear and feel the calming night setting. I am excited to see God work.
Random question but not really - How did you do the picture and text heading at the top of your blog? I've wanted to do that for a while on mine but haven't figured out how.
Other than, I've enjoyed all the pictures and stories.
Much love.
I had to change the template. Certain templates let me put something up top and others would not. Once you load the picture in the footing format, though, you can put it above the header if the format lets you.
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