Also, they don't show the US commercials, so i am going to have to watch them online later.
I was actually pretty disappointed since i was rooting for the Cardinals, but it was still a fun game to watch nonetheless!
I have loved the last three Superbowls for that.
This Superbowl 09 came down to the last drive and last thirty seconds

Even the Colts vs. Bears Game in Superbowl 2007 was an emotional rollercoaster from the start when the opening kickoff was returned for a touchdown!

I usually have a favorite team, but i usually root for a close or interesting game more than my team annihilating the other team.
I just remember rooting for the Buffalo Bills against the Cowboys in 1995, and not only did my team lose, but the game wasn't even close. The final was 52-17. At half time i stopped watching, of course i was only like 9 at the time, but still, a close game is always more fun in my eyes.

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