Thursday, January 17, 2013

Something Hard To Swallow As A Twenty Something… Is That I Am Not Gonna “Arrive” As Fast As I Want

Something hard to swallow as a twenty something… is that I am not gonna “arrive” as fast as I want or for probably another ten years career wise…
If you’re saying, “This isn’t going as perfect as I expected,” it’s probably not the first and definitely not the last time you’ll experience this in your twenties.
I have twenty three year old friends wondering why their lives or money haven’t taken off the way they want and they're asking, “Where is God in this?”  I asked this at 23.  Actually it's five years later and I'm 28 years old still asking, “Why haven’t I ‘arrived’ completely to my dream scenario?” It is so funny…  But not funny at all!  (And please don’t misunderstand, I have a blessed and amazing scenario right now that I love.) 
Most leaders in my field of work that I see as in the ideal scenario of freedom and focus are often 35 years old or older.  For 90% of us, working ourselves into our preferred place will not be in our twenties.  This is hard to swallow.   
Our feelings say we are not gonna last another week without things getting fixed, but leadership wisdom and experience show that where 90% of us want to be will often take time.  More time than our feelings say they’re willing to wait.  We're tempted to think, "My feelings and patience are having trouble with not knowing today or this week or this year, let alone another decade."
Money strain is frustrating.
Uncertainty is frustrating.
It's hard, but you'll make it through.
            If you’re saying, “This is not going how I expected… and its HARD!” This is probably not the first and definitely not the last time you’ll say that in your twenties.

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.  (written by a guy on house arrest in the middle of his dream calling)


I Spilled said...

Is this a new phenomenon? I wonder if other generations struggled with this, or if we're just dealing with it. I also wonder if it isn't actually a privilege to be able to talk/think this way. What other generation of people have witnessed young millionaires, successful authors, pastors/artists of notoriety like we have? We've seen so much success that we expect that to be normal, or feel like failures if we take a while to see our goals accomplished. I doubt my grandpa planned to work in a factory his entire life, but I also doubt that he expected a lot more than that either (strictly speaking career-wise). Hmm...very thought provoking Brent! Can I expect this type of content in your book?

B said...

Matt, this isn't a writing from the book, but this is definitely the feel and the focus of the book and probably even more of a second book if it happens. :)