This was my cheesy yet best analogy of my place and contribution to this world. Bedazzling something helps to beautify and contribute but it doesn't effect or make a phone or computer or whatever function. That is already taken care of. God is the one who makes this world machine run and come out on top. I just have a chance to add his love and bedazzle it up a little! :)
Its A Battle
God's Got This
I'm here to Bedazzle! :)
I sense a book in this. I want to see Brent Dongell - "Bedazzle!: Discover the Fairy In You!" sitting right next to this book on the shelf of a Christian bookstore: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT5ASOxrNME-y7KBIaKlBymbX4vkCT8cg60Dm-LFbMZC3ueUz4q&t=1
haha, you right i'm no T.D. Jakes and i definitely need a publicity agent and to re up my man points after this post! :)
I'm no T.J. Jakes either, other than that we are the same shape.
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