Friday, June 01, 2007

I Love...

People who LOVE talking about God and the Bible!
Trace, Dan, Adam, and i got into a huge discussion about the Bible and who God is and just started bouncing ideas off of it and it was SO good!
We went surfing in Raglan yesterday
Raglan is one of New Zealand's top surf spots
We went and looked over the amazing grass cliffs that go into the ocean at the end of the day and even made friends with a sheep!
At the end of the conversation, the thing i walked away so grateful for was this...
God does not tempt. He may test us to give us a chance to prove ourselves and solidify our decisions, but he would never cause us or try to make us choose something that is not true, loving, good, just, faithful... of HIM! I can love and trust that kinda Guy!!!


Jessica said...

Hey man!!! Sounds like you are having a BLAST down there in New Zealand! Live it up while you can! Most people will never get the opportunity to even VISIT another country, let alone get to minister to ppl there! You have been blessed!!Make sure you enjoy all that time that He's given you there and never take one single day for granted! I know I don't have to tell YOU that, lol, but, maybe someone else will benefit from it. = )And it sounds like you have some great goals for the future! I'm praying for you! Just know this, if you wait till 2011 to find a wife/ girlfriend, they may have all disappeared! Haha! I know a really good one right back in Indiana that is right under your nose! ; ) Have fun and enjoy life! Life is Good; Live it Up!
God Bless,

Tyler & Annette said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! Hope it is a good one! -AP

Anonymous said...

i meant happy birthday for June 5, I thought that was today, but today is the 4th. So happy early birthday I guess! -ANNE