Monday, July 28, 2008

Cedar Point Trip & Taylor Time

Just this last Friday, the teens at Plymouth Wesleyan went to Cedar Point.

Here is a quick video of the bus ride and the beginning of a ride.
(quick side note, i do not recommend recording while on the rollercoaster. I saw a bunch of videos on youtube so I didn't think it was that big of a deal, but they definitely stopped the ride and told me to put it away, so if you were thinking about it, be forewarned.)


Here is the crew we hung out with, (except for Charlie Brown of course!)
Taylor Hulse and i have been hanging out. We found out that we both are competitive, love to talk trash and are equally good at the Nintendo 64 and sports ...Deadly Combo.

007 is the game choice this day.
Can you tell i just beat him right there!

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